2017 Nominated Family - The Pilgrimage Run

It's official... This year The Pilgrimage Run will be making a donation to the Quinn Family. Let's help our neighbors. The truth is, this could be any of us, any of our families, our mother, our wife, our daughter, sister, friend... #ONLYINERIE
Register for The Pilgrimage Run HERE
Here's a very nice letter from Jeremy, Jessica, Connor and Logan Quinn...
After witnessing what my wife and family has endured and overcome throughout our Cancer battle, I know that every person effected by Cancer deserves this opportunity. We are very grateful just for the nomination – Thank you. My wife Jessica and I have been married for over 16 years and have two wonderful boys, Connor who is fourteen and Logan who is twelve. I work for an IT company in Sales and Jessica works for the State of Colorado in the Department of Agriculture. Jessica was born and raised in Colorado, I’m an east coast transplant. Most of our lives revolve around our boys’ sports as both play multiple sports at a competitive level. Watching our boys play sports is our favorite past time. I coach baseball year-round and Jess helps with much of the “Team Mom” duties that really keep the team running smoothly. All in all, your “normal” suburban family doing our best to raise great kids and give back where we can.
Jessica was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer on March 20, 2017. She wasn’t sick, tired or weak. She just found a lump in her right breast that ended up being one of two cancerous tumors. She is only 41 years old and not ready to leave her boys. The Cancer had also spread to her lymph nodes so a treatment plan was put into place immediately. Double mastectomy with lymph removal surgery (April 6th, 2017), twelve weeks of Chemotherapy, seven weeks of Radiation, the whole nine yards. Our lives where completely turned upside down and inside out. I remember thinking, the emotional roller coaster is unbearable at times for Jess and I, how are we supposed to get our boys through this….? Jessica’s strength, that’s how.
Next up in the treatment plan was four Chemo treatments, three weeks apart so twelve weeks in total. Even the Cancer-ignorant (which we were prior) know how bad Chemo is but nothing can prepare you for its effects. Yeah, it made her feel nauseous and tired and her hair fell out two weeks after her first treatment. We knew those side effects were coming and thus could mentally prepare for them. The physical challenges are not as hard compared to the mental and emotional toll Chemo demands. It takes a lot of toughness to overcome the “Why me” and the “unfairness” thoughts that come with a Cancer diagnosis and Jessica has truly been an example of that mental toughness.
The week before her last Chemo treatment, an infection formed at her incision area on the left side of her chest. Aspergillus, a fungal infection that would require emergency surgery. The only good news was that the infection had not spread to her lungs! Three to five months of treatment to get rid of the infection, guess there is no Z-Pack for fungal infections! Therefore, the final Chemo treatment was off the table and a new, adjusted treatment plan would be put into place.
Jessica recently finished her seven weeks of DAILY Radiation treatment. The physical toll extended far beyond her burned skin as she has fault through extreme exhaustion as well. She is still facing 2-3 more surgeries, hormone therapy and more medication. She has continued to work throughout this battle, not missed a single game for either son (sometimes against the advice of her docs), managed what is left of our finances and grown closer with all those in her life. As much pain, stress, worry, cost, and over all negative that Cancer has brought us, Cancer has given us so much more appreciation, inspiration, dedication, love and joy in our lives and that is what we will continue to focus on and be grateful for.
We are so grateful for this opportunity as well as to the Recess Factory and the Hollis family for the nomination. The Erie community is amazing and we are so proud to be a part of it. Jessica has been able to overcome so many challenges throughout her battle with Cancer and there is absolutely no way she would have been so successful without the enormous amount of help from our friends and community.
Thank you,
The Quinn Family
Jeremy, Jessica, Connor and Logan